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How To Connect With Your Cosmic Support Beings

Humans are more connected with the spiritual realm than we have been taught. We are all connected to Source, Universe, and Cosmic Support Beings. From my experience being in sessions with clients, I have never had a session where no spiritual guides showed up when the client asked to connect with their Spiritual Support Team. More times than not, the room would be filled with spiritual guides and I would need to ask for a few representatives to step up to communicate with the client. Also, the energy vibration at this point tends to be higher as the spiritual guides are so elated to communicate with the client. 


From my knowledge and experience- spiritual guides, elementals, and other forms of support guides will show up when there are similarities and/or connection points with the human. Additionally, I’ve found that a human’s main guide can change depending on the needs and support required for the human soul. 


How do you connect to your Cosmic Support Being?


1. Set the intention that you would like to meet your guides.


Whether they are spiritual guides, ET, light energy, group collective energy, etc., there are so many universal beings who are aligned with Source and light and are happily willing to support humans on Earth.  Set the intention, however, is the most comfortable for you.


2. Spiritual Practices:


Some people like to meditate (there are good free mediations online). Other ways can be taking a walk in the forest, walking by the ocean or stream and consciously connecting with your inner self. You can ask your guides to show up in your dream; spiritual guides can work with us during our sleeping time if we permit them to do so. You are more relaxed and open to higher-consciousness communication. If you are newer to spiritual work, I would advise asking for protection from Light or a Higher being who is aligned with Love, God, Universal Source. 

The main point is to set the intention, and then try a few different spiritual techniques to get to know your guides. Don’t give up and don’t overanalyze it, doing so may create a barrier to you successfully meeting your guides. Trust the process, trust that you are born connected to the universe and the ability to have access to the spiritual dimensions is innately in you.